Wellspring of goodwill

Sister Judy Bellesini, Dandenong MP Gabrielle Williams and Wellsprings for Women manager Veronica Hassett. 151667 Picture: GARY SISSONS


A DANDENONG support service for women has received a $50,000 boost.
Wellsprings for Women manager Veronica Hassett said the funding would go towards a new program called Productive Learning in Australia.
Ms Hassett said its aim was to address the barriers women from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds faced, provide locally made and culturally rich products for sale in the local community, and provide retail skills and training.
“This is a great opportunity for Wellsprings to work closely with local retail organisations,” she said.
Ms Hassett said Wellsprings would also refer participants into accredited courses.
Dandenong MP Gabrielle Williams announced the funding which will be delivered through the Adult Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board’s Capacity and Innovation Grants.
“Wellsprings for Women provides invaluable support for locals in Dandenong,” she said.
“Their services provide locals with opportunities to get off the treadmill of unemployment and back on the footpath to work or further study.
“This extra funding will make sure Wellsprings for Women will be able to continue their support of the local community.”
Wellsprings for Women encourages women to fulfil their potential, provides a welcoming and supportive environment, particularly for isolated women, is committed to life-long learning, works in partnership with many other local agencies and has a low-cost fee policy.