Big bucks at greatest shave

Colin Gibbons after his shave, supported by Rebecca Luxon and hair dresser Vera Fink. 165333 Picture: ROB CAREW

By Casey Neill

A hair-raising Dandenong event brought in more than $8000 for the Leukaemia Foundation.
Dandenong man Colin Gibbons was thrilled with the result from his third annual World’s Greatest Shave event, held at Dandenong Workers Social Club on Sunday 5 March.
“We’ve crossed the $8000 mark and we’re still counting,” he said.
The first two events raised a combined $12,000.
Mr Gibbons said that “close to 100-odd” people shaved and coloured their hair on the day, including emergency services workers and volunteers.
“I’ve spoken to both the police and firies and they were so stoked they’re making it their permanent base for their haircuts,” he said.
“We had a magic time.
“We are going to come back for the fourth year.”