Robber strikes in broad daylight

By Cam Lucadou-Wells

 A woman has been robbed by a teenage boy during the afternoon peak in central Noble Park.

The 33-year-old victim walked from the train station about 4.55pm on 25 June.

On Mons Parade, a male youth has hit her hand in an attempt to snatch her bag, Greater Dandenong CIU detectives say.

As she struggled to retain her bag, her phone fell to the ground and was grabbed by the robber.

Her phone case contained some cash and her license, as well as credit-cards which have not been used since the attack.

The offender was described as 15-17 years old, Caucasian, skinny and about 163-165 centimetres.

He wore a hoodie with white lines, black track pants and black shoes.

He was with another skinny 15-17 year-old male wearing a white-grey hoodie.

Any information to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or