BreastScreen Victoria’s mobile screening van, ‘Marjorie’, will return to Dandenong’s Palm Plaza offering free mammograms to eligible residents from Monday 2 to Friday 13 November 2020.
Those aged between 50 and 74 should have a breast screen every two years.
They are considered the best way to find breast cancer early before there are symptoms and when treatment is most likely to be successful.
A breast screen can find cancer as small as a grain of rice, long before it can be seen or felt.
All breast screens are with a female radiographer in a safe and friendly environment.
Visitors don’t need a doctor’s referral or Medicare card, and screens only take 10 minutes.
BreastScreen Victoria CEO Terri Smith is encouraging those who screened on the van when it was last in Dandenong, and those who are overdue for their breast screen, to book an appointment.
“This visit to Dandenong has been organised to make sure that everyone has access to a potentially life-saving mammogram, regardless of where they live,” said Ms Smith.
“Marjorie is one of our two mobile screening service vans which travel the state throughout the year.
“The vans use the highest quality digital radiography machines to ensure that women receive the best service, regardless of their location.”
The van is operating with Covid-19 safety measures in place to protect both the community and staff.
Appointments are being spaced out to ensure physical distancing and to reduce the number of people in the waiting area.
It also provides more time to clean in-between appointments.
The van will be at Dandenong’s Palm Plaza from Monday 2 to Friday 13 November 2020.
Appointments for the van can be made online at breastscreen.org.au or by calling 13 20 50.