SES not just ‘men’s work’

Women in Greater Dandenong SES unit gather for International Women's Day.

By Cam Lucadou-Wells

One picture can speak loudly of the changing ranks at SES Victoria’s Greater Dandenong unit.

A dozen of the unit’s female members got together for the photo as part of a celebratory lunch for International Women’s Day.

“More women are taking leadership roles, such as myself,” unit deputy controller Erin Wallace says.

“Our unit is one of the best ones for having females and for doing ‘men’s work’ as it used to be called.

“We’re breaking down the bias.”

The culture has changed for the better since Ms Wallace first volunteered at the unit in the mid 1990’s.

She quit after a few years, because she “couldn’t stand the bullying and BS”. It wasn’t a place where women could take leadership roles, she said.

Four years ago, a friend convinced her to return to the unit. And she now speaks glowingly of the place.

Ms Wallace also leads the unit’s community education arm.

There’s a variety of jobs for volunteers – including finance, administrative and managerial roles.

While on the trucks, no two jobs are the same. Crews can be called to remove fallen trees, search for missing people in the bush, help at crime scenes or rescue car-crash victims.

With a big intake of recruits, the unit is approaching 50 members. But there’s always room for more helping hands.

Especially for people with spare time during the day, such as those in part-time work or moving into retirement, Ms Wallace says.

The unit meets and trains at 42 Mills Road, Dandenong on Mondays 7.30pm.

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