By Matthew Sims
The Endeavour Hills Judo Club has looked back on 50 years of support from the community.
On Sunday 17 September, previous students reunited with former Senseis and other community members to celebrate 50 years across a number of dojos.
First operating out of Hallam in 1973, the club’s many locations over the years has included Mossgiel Park Primary School, a historical hall in Berwick’s High Street built in 1886, a hall in Hampton Park, a Taekwondo dojo in Melverton Drive, Hallam, the original hall where the Endeavour Hills Leisure Centre now stands and the Hallam Scout Hall at Gunns Reserve.
Speaking during the event, head coach Janet Lambert said she was among a number of stalwarts of the club, including Jim, Stan, Thomas, Reuben and Cameron.
“I remember saying to my husband, “I can’t live in the middle of nowhere, amongst the cows”.
“There was no freeway and no traffic lights in Dandenong.”
“The club would not exist or have lasted 50 years without the students and families who joined in the journey.”
Ms Lambert said she had competed since she was 10 years of age, including trips to New Zealand, Hawaii, Hungary, France, Brazil, Canada and Malta.
“I represented Australia several times at International Shiai competitions,” she said.
Ms Lambert said the club remained strong at about 40 members.
“We traversed the Covid virus and hung on as best we could by holding classes in the open air, classes with a restricted number of students ranging from five to 10 at any one time, and a variety of other options, as did many other clubs,” she said.
“We have survived by having to move dojos more often than we would have liked.
“Now for the past nine years, excluding renovations, we have returned to our original location in the suburb of Hallam, and for that we are thankful to the City of Casey and their staff.”
Ms Lambert said anyone was welcome to sign up for training on Tuesday and Thursday nights.
“It’s a safe sport that teaches you confidence,” she said.
“We’ve got a moral code which respects perseverance.”
For more information, visit www.facebook.com/endeavourhillsjudo