By Sahar Foladi
Traffic safety concerns elicited a rare, heated exchange between a councillor officer and a councillor at a City of Greater Dandenong meeting on Monday 11 December.
During her councillors report, Cr Rhonda Garad questioned the lack of crossing supervisors around Keysborough Gardens Primary School.
Sharp words ensued when Cr Garad shook her head in disagreement during council’s city futures acting director Jody Bosman reply.
“Councillor you sit there and shake your head all you like,“ Mr Bosman retorted.
“I have traffic engineers who are far more qualified than you and they have the data that backs up the measures and designs that are in place outside the school.”
As Cr Garad rose to ask further questions, mayor Lana Formoso shut down the issue and told Mr Bosman not to “respond if you wish not to.”
“(Chief executive Jacqui) Weatherill did make it clear that we’re going to investigate this matter and have a conversation outside this chamber,” she said.
“Councillor Garad, I will ask you again to be respectful and the fact that we’re not going into a debate,” she continued.
Cr Garad said she was left “extremely distressed” after the exchange on an issue she has advocated for the past three years.
“This was exceptional treatment of me by the mayor to the detriment of my ability to represent the interest of my wards.
“I think everybody should be seriously concerned about that precedent.
“Will the mayor shut down any other councillor publicly speaking about any issues?”
The mayor, Lana Formoso says council maintains a commitment to the safety of residents and especially children.
“The Executive Director of City Futures provided a detailed reply and the CEO clarified that there would be an opportunity to follow up the details of this matter with officers and discuss with councillors further.
“The mayor, as chair of the meeting, clarified that this matter was appropriate for further discussion outside the chamber.
“Council is aware of community concerns about road safety and particularly around Keysborough Gardens Primary School.
“Council has undertaken considerable research, trialled and implemented a range of parking treatments and studied various traffic options.
“Council has been in discussion with the school community for a long time, has made contact with the school this week, and will continue to engage with them.”
Councillor Garad later raised concerns over her “exceptional treatment“ with chief executive Ms Weatherill.
“I’m flabbergasted, but I’m also at the end of my tether because what else can I do?
“I’ve petitioned the council on this issue for three years. How else will this council block me from trying to raise this serious issue of child safety?“
She has put her trust in Mordialloc MP Tim Richardson, who has weighed into the safety issue.
“The weight of his office is much likely to be more effective than me.“
Mr Richardson has also supported Cr Garad’s safety concerns about council road works that will remove a slip lane entering into a Sikh temple Gurudwara Sri Guru Granth Sahib on Perry Road, Keysborough.
Along with Cr Garad, they held meetings with council officers and temple representatives.
The council has proposed that the temple pays $20,000-plus to restore a slip lane.