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Asylum seekers swamp Dandenong aid centre

By CAMERON LUCADOU-WELLS A CENTRE in Dandenong that feeds and clothes asylum seekers has been forced to close its doors to families released on community...

Flax seeds innovative, diverse farming

By MARG STORK IN A Moment with Marg on May 4, I wrote a snippet inspired by a much-read copy of the Journal dated August...

Bullies off-line

Pupils at Mossgiel Park Primary School in Endeavour Hills, including Pooja, Dylan, Jason and Makayla, know how to extricate themselves from a cyber bully's...

Mental illness: To hell and back

By CAMERON LUCADOU-WELLS NOT many people could understand the ‘‘long haul’’ faced by Diane Bellette. A single mother, she has cared for her middle-aged son...

Springvale special school gets state-of-the-art campus

By CAMERON LUCADOU-WELLS STUDENTS who used to slum it on a cramped campus are now learning at a $12.5 million state-of-the-art education centre at Springvale...

Avocare feeds them by the truckload

By CAMERON LUCADOU-WELLS EACH day a vast warehouse in Dandenong is giving away truckloads of free food. About 70 charities, sports clubs and other community groups...

Huggable posters add joy to travel

By YESSAR DAOU You may have noticed that Sandown Park, Noble Park and Yarraman railway stations have attracted some unusual visitors of late. Poster-like artwork known...

Dandneong steam locos stoke memories

THANK you, Barbara Linton, for your query about the old wooden turntable for locomotives at the Dandenong railway station. It was back in the day when...

'Fix bus stop' plea on South Gippsland Highway

By CAMERON LUCADOU-WELLS RESIDENTS at Shawlands Caravan Park are facing an indefinite wait for a safely accessible bus stop on South Gippsland Highway, Dandenong. To reach...

Discover Your Own Backyard – Greater Dandenong

Grab your passport and get set for a trip around the world - all within the diverse City of Greater Dandenong. The area is...

What's on around Dandenong, Springvale, Keysborough and Noble Park

Community garden volunteers: The community garden at the Noble Park Community Centre has lots of new plants and vegetables to be planted, and new...

Asylum seekers making their mark in Dandenong

A FRESH lick of paint has been applied to a soon-to-open Dandenong-based help service for asylum seekers. Kon Karapanagiotidis, chief executive of the Asylum Seekers...


Greater Dandenong considers closed meeting

Greater Dandenong Council is set to decide whether tonight’s general meeting will be closed to the public due to security concerns. Mayor Jim Memeti...