Casey councillors move against Bradford

By Catherine Watson

CASEY councillors voted last night to proceed with plans to refer 18 allegations of misconduct against Cr Kevin Bradford to a councillor conduct panel.

Cr Bradford was asked to vacate his seat during debate on a motion to ask the Municipal Association of Victoria to convene a panel to consider the allegations, with mayor Sam Aziz to represent the council.

It passed seven votes to two with only councillors, Lynette Keleher and Bev Hastie, voting against.

Cr Keleher moved an alternate motion to drop the plan. ‘‘The whole matter is so ridiculous. I can’t even see the point of discussing it,’’ she said.

‘‘Some of the allegations are so vague I don’t even know what they’re about.’’

She said it was wrong for Cr Aziz to sit on the panel given his demonstrated animosity towards Cr Bradford.

Cr Aziz said he had always acted professionally towards Cr Bradford and Cr Keleher confused ‘‘robust debate’’ with animosity. ‘‘I am really sorry a number of councillors in the past couple of weeks have been out there trashing the reputation of this city. I am trying to reverse the damage that’s being unfairly done to this city that I grew up in.’’

There is a long history of conflict between Cr Bradford and Cr Aziz and Casey CEO Mike Tyler.

Two weeks ago, Cr Bradford raised a notice of motion to sack Mr Tyler after details of a sexual harassment claim against him by a former council employee were leaked to the media and posted online.

There was a confidential settlement of the case at a mediated hearing at VCAT in May last year but councillors have never been told details of the allegations, how much the settlement cost Casey ratepayers or the cost of legal fees.

Mr Tyler narrowly held on to his job when councillors voted 6-5 against sacking.

The misconduct allegations against Cr Bradford were raised at the same meeting by Cr Bob Halsall.

They include allegations of bullying of councillors and council staff, including Mr Tyler, inappropriate behaviour, breach of confidentiality and the use of foul language in the council chamber.

Some of the allegations date back to 2003 and several have already been investigated.

In 2010 the Ombudsman found Cr Bradford had erred in releasing sensitive information to local newspapers during a tendering process for a media partner for the 2009 MRA Cranbourne GP Run.

The charge sheet also alleges he misused his role as councillor while employed by Narre Warren North Labor MP Luke Donnellan.

Former councillor Steve Beardon, who was named in the council’s charge sheet as having been bullied by Cr Bradford from 2005-08, denied it.

He told the Weekly the two had engaged in ‘‘robust debate’’ but he had never felt bullied by Cr Bradford. He said the current councillors needed to get over their personal animosities and learn to work together for their community.

The council will also write to the Premier, Ted Baillieu, asking him to refer alleged misconduct by Cr Bradford and Mr Donnellan to victoria’s independent broad-based anti-corruption commission when it is established. The charge sheet does not specify Mr Donnellan’s alleged misconduct.

The council also wants the commission to force Leader Newspapers journalist Peter Strachan to say what communication he had with Cr Bradford on the GP Run and why Cr Bradford resigned from Victoria Police.

Cr Bradford told the Weekly he was seeking legal advice over the allegations, which he claimed were defamatory.


To proceed with referring 18 allegations of misconduct by Cr Kevin Bradford to a councillor conduct panel.

For: Councillors Geoff Ablett, Sam Aziz, Shar Balmes, Simon Curtis, Bob Halsall, Wayne Smith, Amanda Stapledon.

Against: Councillors Lynette Keleher and Bev Hastie.

Absent: Cr Judy Owen.

Declared conflict of interest: Cr Bradford.