Memories, in Technicolor

Happy: Jovo and Vicky Popvic. Picture: Wayne Hawkins

SOME memories never fade away – like a movie reel, they go on and on.

Take the old days at the Dandenong Town Hall. The hall, now the Drum Theatre, was a hive of community activity. 

During World War II it would be packed to the rafters with American servicemen — back from the fierce fighting in Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands — who had a camp at Rowville and painted the town red at the dances. Then there were the music and art festivals for youth, sundry concerts and displays.

Then a front page headline in the Dandenong Journal, dated August 1941, jogged my memory of this action-packed era.

‘Pictures for Dandenong Town Hall’, the headline proclaimed. The story read: “Tenders for the leasing of the Dandenong Town Hall for pictures were dealt with at a special meeting of the council on Monday night. 

The tender of Mr C Armstrong of St Kilda at £13, 10s a week for a term of three years was accepted. Mr Armstrong intends to show pictures every Wednesday night and Saturday afternoons and evenings and it’s expected the first screening will be at the end of September.”

Around the corner, the matinees at the Boomerang Theatre in Thomas Street held us in thrall. Ms McAfee was in charge of the library upstairs. John Chambers was the town hall caretaker. Another very popular town hall caretaker was Luke McCoy.

The silver lining

We’re a greying nation and it’s important that our elderly get out and about to make new friends. That process need not end in their 20s and 30s. In our city, elderly folk can choose from numerous clubs whose members have diverse interests … sports, travel, excursions, crafts and more.

Not the least of these is the Springvale Senior Citizens Club where long-time club members Vicky and Jovo Popvic celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary on February 19.

Surrounded by 100 of their closest family and friends, it was a perfect day, made happier by the lasting bonds of friendship between club members.

Any senior citizen can join the Springvale club, which meets at 3 The Crescent, Springvale. For times, call Mary Borg on 9547 6908.

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