Letters to the Editor, Dandenong Journal

Re: Pakula wins, but Labor vote slides

The people have spoken and all political parties need to lift their game and truly represent the people who vote them in or out of power. The field that was offered to us in this byelection was a motley crew and the political party choices were poor. We deserved better. I wouldn’t be surprised if the informal vote was high. Martin Pakula, we deserve to be represented by a serious candidate who is going to consider all the issues that present to our community, emphatically, from day one. We will all be watching your performance, Martin, because you didn’t win by a landslide.

Cybil (via web)

That mound footpath

I would like to respond to comments Cr Kelly made at a council meeting in relation to the footpath built over a mound in Noble Park. Cr Kelly had the evidence in front of him — a letter (dated February 4, 2011) written to the council by an MP on behalf of disabled residents nearby and the residents of Darvall Lodge Nursing Home.

 He also had in front of him a letter (dated March 22, 2011) written on behalf of council CEO John Bennie , confirming to and assuring Daniel Andrews that the footpath would be built for “wheelchair access”.

Cr Kelly claims this footpath saga resulted because my mother is a resident of Darvall Lodge. What he needs to understand is that when those two letters were written, my mother wasn’t in any residential care centre at all. She only entered residential care at Darvall Lodge in June 2012, 17 months after the letters above were received and responded to by council.

Cr Maria Sampey

Re: ‘Eyesore’ beside Cheltenham Road

It might pay to check first that this isn’t petroleum-contaminated material in its drying out cycle, which does take a long time. Although this was the Greater Dandenong Council depot, contractor communication sometimes can be erratic.

Alan Hood (via web)

Re: Losing history due to lack of storage

Thanks must go to Cr Matthew Kirwan for asking for the report on our historic collections. Without his report we would not know about the loss of 25 per cent of the 170,000 negatives in the Graham Southam Collection or the challenges with storing our collections in the future. We need to act now to protect what we have left of Greater Dandenong’s history.

Michael (via web)

Re: ‘We are not doing anything wrong’

I am also a Christian and I am totally in line with anyone who is against building more mosques in Australia, full stop. That is not because I hate the Muslims, but because I hate the politics of the Islamic political regime. It is not and has never been a religion or a faith. Please get your facts straight. Buddhism is a faith or religion; Christianity in all its shapes is faith or religion; Islam is a political regime that dictates a lifestyle totally opposed to freedom of individuals, especially women.

Gerredina Kovac (via web)

What do you think? Post a comment below.

The Journal welcomes letters no longer than 250 words. All letters are subject to editing and must include a name, address and phone number. Post: The Editor, PO Box 318, Dandenong 3175, or email eastletters@mmpgroup.com.au. Post a web comment to any story on this website.


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