
Letters to the editor: July 1-7

BAA MUST GO, SAYS APPEAL COURT ■ What an absolute disgrace. The City of Greater Dandenong should be ashamed of themselves. One should not be denied...

AFL U18: Vic Metro seals bragging rights

By TEO PELLIZZERI - See our gallery 1 from the Vic Metro v Vic Country clash - See our gallery 2 from the Vic Metro v...

Monster tram from Dandenong South onto test track

By ALECIA PINNER: apinner@mmpgroup.com.au BOMBARDIER'S first 210-passenger, three-section tram has finally rolled off the assembly line in Dandenong South. Overnight on Thursday, June 27, the first...

Copping the good and the bad

By CAMERON LUCADOU-WELLS: clucadou-wells@mmpgroup.com.au RACISM among some police is still a concern, legal aid advocates have claimed. Speakers at last week’s Springvale Monash Legal Service forum...

Peacemakers of the streets

By CAMERON LUCADOU-WELLS We join a team of peacemakers building bridges between police and young people from African and Pacific Islander communities.  Their targets are young...

Life 'ruined' by deliberate high-speed smash

By ADAM COOPER, The Age A MAN told his fiancee their lives were about to end before he deliberately rammed his ute into the back of...

Vu Ho the fighter: Sheep, prison, Viet Cong, pirates

By CAMERON LUCADOU-WELLS LATEST: When Vu Ho lost last week's legal appeal to keep his pet sheep Baa at his Springvale home, he faced a $200,000-plus...

Should Vu Ho be allowed to keep his sheep?

I don't know Vu Ho , but every time I see their story I want to cry. Oh please it's an old man trying...

Results wrap from around Greater Dandenong

SCOREBOARD FOOTBALL TAC CUP - Round 11 NOR THERN 5.5 9.10 12.15 12.17 (89) DANDENONG 2.2 2.4 5.6 7.9 (51) Goals: Norther n: Bowkett 3 Smith 2 Hunt 2...

Team Maihan united in name and achievement

By CAMERON LUCADOU-WELLS: clucadou-wells@mmpgroup.com.au THE “world game” has harnessed migrants and refugees in Dandenong into a potent strike-force on the pitch. With a core group of...

Marinko Matosevic always a winner at Dandenong Tennis Club

By EWEN McRAE: emcrae@mmpgroup.com.au SUCCESS at the majors might be eluding Marinko Matosevic, but at Dandenong Tennis Club he’ll always be a big deal. Matosevic was bundled...

Innovation the key to company’s success

THE secret to surviving a world-wide recession is innovation, says the head of a Dandenong South manufacturer that has grown steadily since the early 1990s...


Looking Back

100 years ago 22 January 1925 Dandenong West School The tender of Messrs. J. C. Brockie and Sons, of Gardiner, has been accepted for the erection of...