
Letters to the editor: July 1-7

BAA MUST GO, SAYS APPEAL COURT ■ What an absolute disgrace. The City of Greater Dandenong should be ashamed of themselves. One should not be denied...

AFL U18: Vic Metro seals bragging rights

By TEO PELLIZZERI - See our gallery 1 from the Vic Metro v Vic Country clash - See our gallery 2 from the Vic Metro v...

Monster tram from Dandenong South onto test track

By ALECIA PINNER: apinner@mmpgroup.com.au BOMBARDIER'S first 210-passenger, three-section tram has finally rolled off the assembly line in Dandenong South. Overnight on Thursday, June 27, the first...

Copping the good and the bad

By CAMERON LUCADOU-WELLS: clucadou-wells@mmpgroup.com.au RACISM among some police is still a concern, legal aid advocates have claimed. Speakers at last week’s Springvale Monash Legal Service forum...

Peacemakers of the streets

By CAMERON LUCADOU-WELLS We join a team of peacemakers building bridges between police and young people from African and Pacific Islander communities.  Their targets are young...

Life 'ruined' by deliberate high-speed smash

By ADAM COOPER, The Age A MAN told his fiancee their lives were about to end before he deliberately rammed his ute into the back of...

Vu Ho the fighter: Sheep, prison, Viet Cong, pirates

By CAMERON LUCADOU-WELLS LATEST: When Vu Ho lost last week's legal appeal to keep his pet sheep Baa at his Springvale home, he faced a $200,000-plus...

Should Vu Ho be allowed to keep his sheep?

I don't know Vu Ho , but every time I see their story I want to cry. Oh please it's an old man trying...

Results wrap from around Greater Dandenong

SCOREBOARD FOOTBALL TAC CUP - Round 11 NOR THERN 5.5 9.10 12.15 12.17 (89) DANDENONG 2.2 2.4 5.6 7.9 (51) Goals: Norther n: Bowkett 3 Smith 2 Hunt 2...

Team Maihan united in name and achievement

By CAMERON LUCADOU-WELLS: clucadou-wells@mmpgroup.com.au THE “world game” has harnessed migrants and refugees in Dandenong into a potent strike-force on the pitch. With a core group of...

Marinko Matosevic always a winner at Dandenong Tennis Club

By EWEN McRAE: emcrae@mmpgroup.com.au SUCCESS at the majors might be eluding Marinko Matosevic, but at Dandenong Tennis Club he’ll always be a big deal. Matosevic was bundled...

Innovation the key to company’s success

THE secret to surviving a world-wide recession is innovation, says the head of a Dandenong South manufacturer that has grown steadily since the early 1990s...


What’s On

Ukrainian Art Exhibition Discover stunning works by Ukrainian artists, 3pm-7pm on 7-13 April as part of the Ukrainian Folklore Festival. - exhibition opening Monday 7 April,...

Looking Back