Should Vu Ho be allowed to keep his sheep?

I don’t know Vu Ho , but every time I see their story I want to cry. Oh please it’s an old man trying to keep a sheep ? It’s just a sheep ? 

Like haven’t we got greater problems in Greater Dandenong than one man and his sheep ? Other than poop and eat what problems does this sheep pose? Does the sheep bite ? Does the sheep roam the streets? Does the sheep make noise? Is it disturbing the neighbours? 

I don’t get it. If he cleans the poop and takes care of it why not? Can’t believe council are were willing to take him to court over one sheep? 

Spend all that money too over one sheep and one man? So how does one define the difference between a sheep and keeping dog? It’s an animal like any other isn’t it? About the same size as a big dog? 

Poor rate payers , poor man , poor sheep , poor council.

Angela Thornbury, Dandenong