Info Day for post-VCE options

Natalya has opted to study a Free TAFE course of nursing at Chisholm Institute. (Supplied)

Taking an early visit to TAFE helped Year 12 student Natalya sort out her pathway towards a nursing career.

This year, the 17-year-old took an Info Day tour of Chisholm Institute’s Dandenong campus. She has since been accepted into the Free TAFE course of Diploma of Nursing for 2025.

“The Info Day really helped me to make my decision about what I want to do next year after Year 12,” Natalya said.

“At the Info Day, I checked out the campus, I now know where my classroom is, I’ve even met some of my teachers and classmates.

“I don’t have to wait six months before I receive my VCE results or to know which course I will get into for 2025, because I’ve already been accepted into Nursing at Chisholm.”

She said that knowledge has eased some of the notorious Year 12 pressure.

“Now I can get on with my year 12 studies in 2024 without the stress, do some part-time work, save some money, and start my higher education next year.”

Natalya knew she wanted to study nursing but had so many choices.

“I now know that going to Chisholm will be the right pathway for me, rather than going to university,” she said.

“My friends are really supportive and glad I’ve found what I want to do.”

Chisholm offers certificates, diplomas and degrees at campuses throughout the South East.

Its next Info Day will be at the Dandenong Campus, Stud Road on Wednesday, 14 August.

Attendance is free but registrations required at