Dix’s visit a thrilling and welcome experience

Arnold Dix with Noel Sullivan (Probus Berwick president). (Stewart Chambers: 423090_01)

By Ethan Benedicto

The combined Probus South Pacific in Berwick was graced by a lecture from Arnold Dix on Tuesday 6 August where he spoke to the roughly 200 members about his experience and rescue of 41 men at the Char Dham highway project, in India.

The session, which went from 11am to 12:30pm involved a breakdown of the event from Mr Dix himself; which included a thorough insight into the cause of the incident, and how his expertise in tunnel safety and disaster management saved the men who were trapped for over two weeks.

To Peter Day, coordinator and the Probus member responsible for sourcing guest lecturers once every month, the experience was enthralling.

He was someone who “comes across just like a mate”.

“He’s a barrister right, and you’d think oh maybe he’s a bit prim and proper, but he’s not that at all, he drives a ute!”

“He’s a very dynamic and charismatic person, and he’s probably one of Australia’s greatest humanitarians.”

While a busy man with a never-ending schedule, Arnold Dix made time for his attendance at Probus Berwick due to his mother, Norma’s, membership with the club.

According to Peter, she had asked him if Probus would like Arnold to make an appearance, to which Peter said that he, among others would “walk over broken glass” for him to make a lecture.

However, the day of the lecture just so happened to be Norma’s birthday, and according to Peter, Arnold had to honour his mother’s wish of coming down to the Old Cheese Factory on that particular Tuesday.

Arnold’s attendance would be one of the more difficult acts that the Probus had achieved, said Peter, and that the Probus at Berwick was very fortunate for his mother’s convincing.

“I would say that we’ve never met someone as easygoing and as humble as Arnold,” Peter said.

“When he arrived there [at the incident in 2023], he talked to the mothers of the boys he was going to save.

“He put his reputation on the line and said I’m going to save your sons and we’re not going to have one accident while doing it.”

During the lecture, Peter said that throughout the presentation it became clear to the audience the kind of man Arnold was, which eventually became an experience that many would not soon forget.

“The Probus people that were there, they were in awe of the whole thing, you couldn’t take your eyes off him, he speaks so well and he’s entertaining, he’s not boring,” Peter said.

Arnold’s sister, Helena Dix was also present during the presentation; a decorated and renowned opera singer, she graced members’ ears with an opera-style happy birthday for her mother, an experience which Peter recalled everybody thoroughly enjoyed.

For Peter, he was sure that he and many others, if not all who were in attendance, had been ignited by Arnold’s story, and while told by many a people and media, is something that they would never get tired of nor forget, especially if it came from the man himself.