Council mulls shopping precinct makeover

CITY of Greater Dandenong will look to revitalise the Dandenong West shopping precinct, in Hemmings Street.
Councillor Matthew Kirwan at Monday night’s council meeting (13 May) asked for a report outlining options and costings for the makeover, to take place during 2014-15.
“A place activation and community co-design approach is to be used, working with stakeholders including residents, shop owners, shop tenants and the primary school,” he said in his successful notice of motion.
Cr Kirwan said the precinct had long formed a key part of the identity of the area of Dandenong, informally known as Dandenong West.
“It is appreciated and valued by local residents, but at the same time residents have commented that it is run down in its appearance, has safety issues, lacks the appropriate mix of shops, but more broadly does not fully capitalise on the potential of its inherent and valued village feel, good transport access and proximity to a large public council car park,” he said.
“Traders have commented on safety aspects as well, but also parking management issues directly outside of the shops.
“Like residents, they have commented on its unrealised potential.”
The report is due at the second council meeting in February next year.