Flag honours Aboriginal community

Aunty Di Kerr, Steve Delaney and Aunty Patricia Ockwell at the flag-raising ceremony. 99674 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

CITY of Greater Dandenong raised the Aboriginal flag during Reconciliation Week to honor the land’s traditional owners.
Mayor Angela Long said the ceremony in Dandenong on 28 May was an important way to recognise the Aboriginal community, culture and heritage in the municipality.
“The City of Greater Dandenong aims to highlight the significant contribution made by local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people,” she said.
“By working towards forging meaningful links between indigenous and non-indigenous people in the community, we endeavor to create a more harmonious Greater Dandenong.”
Cr Long said the city was home to more than 500 indigenous people and the council aimed to enhance recognition, reconciliation, health and wellbeing for them.