Dandenong choir in tune for a big concert

Bigger voice: Greater Dandenong Sings will be part of a 450-member, 15-choir group on Sunday.


Singing together is bringing together people from all walks of life in Greater Dandenong.

Conductor Shaun Islip says music is “the glue” that holds together Greater Dandenong Sings, a group of 50 people — including professionals, the socially disadvantaged and people with a disability — who rehearse each Wednesday.

The choir, formed by not-for-profit group Creativity Australia, welcomes anyone from any background and singing ability, Islip said.

“The aim is to break down barriers and allow people to find their voices. We sing with one voice and one heart.

“You create a community by bringing people together. It’s the only place except for sports that accepts all walks of life — and even there it’s divided between can and cannots.”

Islip said singers described the choir as their family, a place of belonging and a network. Members had found jobs or solved legal problems for one another.

That community will join another 400 singers from 14 other Creativity Australia choirs, most from Melbourne, in a combined concert, With One BIG Voice, this Sunday.

The Greater Dandenong choir will feature in the concert with the ’80s hit We Are the World and Irish folk song Homeward Bound, as well as combined pieces with the other choirs.

The choir rehearses on Wednesdays from 5.15-6.30pm at the Paddy O’Donoghue Centre, 18-34 Buckley Street, Noble Park. 

With One BIG Voice is at Melbourne Town Hall on Sunday at 3.30pm. Details, bookings: wobv2012.eventbrite.com.au or 8679 6088.

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