DANDENONG’S senior citizens are taking an active approach to caring for the community’s ageing population with a $3000 donation to a local nursing home.
The Dandenong District branch of the National Seniors presented a cheque for $2970 to the Cardinal Knox Village in Dandenong last week.
The money will assist what the Dandenong branch said were some of the most vulnerable members of the Dandenong community.
The money was provided to the branch by the National Seniors Foundation, a charity working in partnership with National Seniors branches.
Branch president Kay Moran said the donation to Cardinal Knox Village would buy equipment that would help with mobility and medical issues affecting the village’s residents.
“This is one of the ways we are actively working to build our local community’s capacity to deal with the ageing population” Ms Moran said.
“Our branch is proud that our nominated project was selected for the foundation’s funding, and we look forward to seeing the benefits in our community.”
The National Seniors Foundation Community Grants Program has operated nationally for more than 19 years, distributing donations of $532,000 to 365 community projects.
The National Seniors Foundation promotes productive ageing and seeks to improve the quality of life of Australians as they age by fostering independence, dignity and purpose for seniors.
National Seniors is Australia’s largest organisation for over-50s, with more than 280,000 members nationally.