POLICE are targeting a stretch of the EastLink tollway known as the Dandy Dragstrip in a bid to stop hoons from speeding on the new road.
The term first appeared in an email circulated en masse to inboxes around the state supposedly ‘revealing’ speed camera locations on the tollway.
The email makes reference to a 17-kilometre stretch between Dandenong and Frankston on which there are no speed cameras, and coins it the Dandy Dragstrip.
But Victoria Police this week nipped in the bud any idea hoons might have about the so-called dragstrip.
Region Four Traffic Inspector Geoff Davey said while the design structure of EasltLink, which includes a long, straight strip, might have led to nicknames, the reality would be completely different.
“I’m sure most people have seen an email now that makes reference to the ‘Dandy Dragstrip’, but anyone who takes that literally should be prepared to pay the consequences,” he said.
“Police are fully aware of it and will be on patrol at all hours to ensure motorists comply with the speed limits.
“Those who do want to take that risk should expect to face significant monetary fines, lose their licence and have their vehicle impounded, which is all far less than (the penalties for) killing or seriously injuring someone.
“Police would consider that motorists have had fair warning about what enforcement operations will take place and the level of policing that will occur.
“There will be no excuse for doing the wrong thing.”