Bus petition

Judith Burgess and Josie White at an unused Keysborough South bus stop.

PARLIAMENT has received 465 signatures asking for better bus service in Keysborough and Dandenong South.
On 11 February Keysborough MP Martin Pakula described the need as “urgent” when he presented the Keysborough South Action Group (KSAG) petition requesting additional routes and frequency in both suburbs.
Late last year Public Transport Victoria (PTV) presented proposed new routes to service Keysborough South but campaigners said they had serious flaws.
KSAG met with Public Transport Victoria (PTV) in early January to discuss how to further improve the proposed routes.
Members said the buses would bypass key infrastructure, including shopping centres and community hubs, and would leave out residential areas south of Keylana Drive and Westwood Boulevard.
“And there is no future infrastructure growth factored into the route,” KSAG spokeswoman Nina Kelly said.
“The route will not be rolled out until the second half of 2016.
“By that time the proposed Woolworths on Hutton Road will be near completion and there will be no bus within 850 metres.”
Ms Kelly said buses would run every 40 minutes during the day and every 60 minutes after 7pm.
“Research provided to us shows a direct route with higher frequency – every 20 minutes – has greater patronage,” she said.
“We believe people will still use their car to get to railway stations with this inadequate frequency.”
Ms Kelly said the Keysborough community had been fighting for the bus extension for eight years.
“We want it right the first time and to not have to continue petitioning the State Government for improvements down the track,” she said.