Children speak out to shape planning

Dandenong North Primary School students Leroy and Ancgajan complete a treasure hunt in the library. 172065 Pictures: GARY SISSONS

By Casey Neill

Greater Dandenong students relished the chance to shape their community and collaborate with other kids.
About 13 schools participated in the Greater Dandenong Children’s Forum at the Dandenong Civic Centre on Wednesday 23 August.
Yarraman Oaks Primary School student wellbeing co-ordinator Elissa Sewell said a facilitator rolled in on roller skates to start the day.
“When the kids saw her…” she said, “she had glitter on her face. Straight away the kids were engaged.”
Ms Sewell said students spoke about which playgrounds they used, which ones they didn’t, and what they’d like to see in them.
They suggested extra lighting on some of the bike paths “because in winter when it gets dark so early they feel like they can’t use those facilities”.
“They loved the fact that the council wanted to hear what they thought,” Ms Sewell said.
The students told the council that they’d like to see more activities in Keysborough and Noble Park and got their picture taken with Mayor Jim Memeti.
“One of the activities was with bubbles. From straws and pipe cleaners they made these prisms and cubes and put them in bubbles,” she said.
Student Kayla said she got to express her ideas and make friends while working together to make a map and 3D structures.
“It was amazing that my voice got to be heard and be shaped into ideas,” she said.
“The Children’s Forum was a meeting that allowed children’s voices to be heard and have an impact.”