By Lia Bichel
THE amount of fatalities and serious injuries on Greater Dandenong roads have drastically decreased in the past year.
According to recently released statistic from Victoria Police, the number has plummeted by 23.5 per cent from the period April 08 to March 09 and April 09 to March 10.
Greater Dandenong Highway Patrol Acting Senior Sergeant Scott Roberts said fatalities and serious injuries have decreased by 31 per cent across Greater Dandenong, Cardinia and Casey compared to the previous three years 2005-2007.
“It’s a positive. It is a step in the right direction, but it would have been nice to have the number of (fatalities and injuries) at zero,” he said.
“While some people are getting the message, there is no doubt there will always be people who do what they want and are selfish in terms of speeding and talking on the phone while driving.”
Sgt Roberts said he believed there were a number of factors that contributed to the improved traffic statistics.
“We have a good partnership with police in Springvale, Dandenong, Narre Warren, Cranbourne, Pakenham, Emerald and Lang Lang. They all share the vision to drive down the road toll,” he said.
“We have also stepped up our operations – it is more intelligence driven now.
“We know high alcohol risk times and high risk crash times and we ensure there are more police on those particular days and times.”
Sgt Roberts said a stronger police presence have prompted many drivers to modify their behaviour on the roads and warned people that more police will be on the roads in the coming months.
“There is no doubt that (police) are out there – our staffing levels are good, we are nearly at optimal strength” he said. “People are aware of our presence and they know if they are doing the wrong thing chances are they will get caught and punished.
“The days are getting longer and the weather is warming up and we know driver behaviour changes with the season. People have a couple more drinks.
“We will be out there now more than we have been in the last 12 months. If you carry on like a fool – you will be caught.”