Cheam St platform a ‘low blow’: residents

The ''raised platform'' treatment at Cheam Street, Loch Road and Surace Court, Dandenong North. Picture: SUPPLIED

By Cam Lucadou-Wells

Residents wanted a roundabout at a dangerous Dandenong North intersection but say they instead got a raised platform – raised not far enough.

After numerous car bingles, crashes, failures to give way and corner-cutting, residents petitioned for action at the corner of Cheam Street, Loch Road and Surace Court.

After initial resistance, Greater Dandenong Council responded with a raised platform treatment.

Cr Matthew Kirwan said it was “way too low to have any effect” and “not visible enough”.

In a 15-minute observation, he said he saw just one car slow down at the intersection. One sped up, he said.

He also found evidence of a car mounting the nature strip while cutting the corner. A tree on the corner hadn’t been removed as promised.

“There is a high degree of dissatisfaction in the neighbourhood as none of the original safety concerns have been addressed by what has been done.”

Resident Lana Formoso was “disappointed to say the least”.

“It’s as if they didn’t listen to any of our concerns and issues with this intersection and just did something for the sake of shutting us up.”

Greater Dandenong engineering services director Julie Reid said the raised platform was a “recognised road safety treatment which is effective at reducing vehicle speeds”.

“It meets all relevant standards and best practice principles and has been used with great success at a number of other locations across the City of Greater Dandenong.”

Analysis after six months found the treatments at other sites had reduced speeds and rat-running.

Ms Reid said the intersection works were due to finish by mid August, with lighting, coloured surface treatment and line marking to come.

“Once complete these works will reduce speeds, improve visibility and enhance safety for all road users.”