So far, so good

By Bridget Cook
A YOUNG girl from West Timor who had life-changing surgery at Dandenong Hospital last month is well along the road to recovery.
In October, 16-year-old Sani Haekase had a tumour about 26 centimetres long by 16 centimetres wide, weighing two kilograms, removed from the right side of her jaw, in an extensive 15-hour operation.
Star reported on the story, where four surgeons, five anaesthetists and about 20 nursing staff donated their time and services across the day and Dandenong Hospital allowed the use of the room free-of-charge for the operation.
The surgery involved cutting out a bone from Sani’s leg to put in her jaw.
One month on from the operation, Sani’s recovery is going well and she is expected to return home to her family and friends in West Timor just in time for Christmas.
Dandenong Hospital plastic surgeon James Leong said the surgery was successful.
“There’s still a bit of swelling to come down and she needs some touch-up surgery to trim the excess skin,” he said.
“We are very delighted and Sani has done extremely well. In about five weeks’ time she could possibly go home.”
Sani was brought over to Australia for the surgery by missionary and nurse Rayma Tracy.
Ms Tracy works in Timor and met Sani four years ago when the tumour was “tiny”.
“I visited Sani again in January this year and the tumour had grown excessively,” she said. “I then asked her family if they would be interested in me taking Sani to Australia to have the tumour removed, and they said yes.”
Without a public health system in West Timor, Sani’s family was unable to afford an operation of its type.
Ms Tracy said Sani has been in great spirits throughout the journey.
“Sani has been very strong and had a great attitude, as well as a strong faith in God,” she said.
Ms Tracy said Sani has been in contact with her family and friends in West Timor through Skype, text messages and phone calls.
“Her family was shocked, stunned and delighted, as was Sani after the operation,” she said.
Talking last week, Sani said she was very “happy” with the results.
She said she was looking forward to returning to West Timor.
She wants to finish her schooling, before moving onto music school and bible school.
“I’m looking forward to going home, I’m missing everyone,” Sani said.