Holidays on the wild side

Ella meets the goats at Myuna Farm, Doveton. 197234_01 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

City of Casey’s teen school holiday program offers animal experiences and plenty of other activities on the wild side.

Starting 23 September, the low cost fun includes roller skating, splatball, circus, a suspended-indoor climb, diet cooking, cinema and a trip to Myuna Farm in Doveton.

Free, supervised transport is also available.

Casey mayor Amanda Stapledon said the “maximum fun factor” program “ticks all the boxes”.

“The young people make new friends, it’s inexpensive, safe and just plain fun for the kids.”

Casey Youth Services’ team provide a safe, respectful space for young people who make friends less easily than others, Cr Stapledon said.

“Because they spend time together each day, sharing fun experiences, there is a strong chance that they will come back raving about how lovely everyone was and the new friends they made.

“For any parent this is always heart-warming to witness because, ultimately, we just want our kids to be happy.”

Bookings: 9705 5200 or