Industry zone off the agenda

An illustration of an approved waste to energy plant in Ordish Road, Dandenong South.

By Cam Lucadou-Wells

There are no plans for Greater Dandenong Council to lobby for the removal of its heavy industrial-2 zone ahead of the State Election.

Two years ago, the council explored a ban on any new heavy industries in Dandenong South due to their proximity to homes.

It was proposed to rezone the area to the light-industrial 1 zone.

At the time, there was public outcry over a now-approved waste-to-energy plant in Ordish Road. According to its proponent Great Southern Waste Technologies, works will start in 2023.

However city planning director Jody Bosman said the council would not prepare a case for “dezoning” industrial zone 2.

After the council’s approaches, the State’s planning department had “made it quite clear it won’t be entertain[ing] a dezoning from industrial zone 2 to industrial 1 zone”, Mr Bosman said.

The government was “adamant” that it would not remove an area regarded as a State Significant Industrial Precinct.

The area’s heavy industries have been the subject of regular stench complaints from residents, with plans to issue air monitors to households in Keysborough and Dandenong South.

Mr Bosman said the council, in partnership with Environment Protection Authority Victoria, was focused on dampening the industries’ environmental impact.

Recent actions included air and water monitoring, and community engagement.

“If we can get the impact to go down, it’s irrelevant what the name of the zone is.”

He said changing the zone would not in itself deter future waste-to-energy plants in Dandenong South.

“Whether it’s industrial zone 1 or industrial zone 2, both zones are accommodating of waste-to-energy facilities.”