Suspended driver intercepted twice in one hour

The 52-year-old was intercepted twice on Friday 16 September, police say. 253041_15

A 52-year-old suspended driver was intercepted behind the wheel of a car twice on Friday 16 September.

Transit Police in Dandenong first intercepted the male driver whose license was suspended in August, around 1am, and informed him he would receive a summons to attend court, police said.

Within half an hour the driver was intercepted again in Hallam by Greater Dandenong Highway Patrol.

He had continued driving after the initial interception and subsequent roadside interview by police.

The driver returned a positive roadside drug test and refused to accompany the highway patrol officers for an evidentiary oral fluid test, police said.

His vehicle was impounded for a period of 30 days at a cost of $1006.10 and he will face court at a later date.

It is expected he will be charged by police with two counts of driving while suspended and one count of refusing to accompany for evidentiary oral fluid test.