Government call out for Mental Health Providers

Dandenong Labor MP Gabrielle Williams.

Dandenong locals can expect easier access to mental health support before 2024.

The Andrews Labor Government has opened the call for providers to deliver the next round of Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals, which will be established in seven more locations across Victoria this year including Dandenong.

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals provide Victorians with community-based care, focusing on prevention and early intervention – as the best possible mental health support starts close to home.

Minister for mental health Gabrielle Williams said these new free and accessible services will transform the way treatment, care and support is delivered to Victorians experiencing mental illness.

“The Royal Commission told us that too many Victorians find navigating the mental health system too hard – we’re removing barriers to getting that care, with services in communities providing care close to home,” she said.

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals support adults and older adults experiencing mental illness or psychological distress, including those with co-occurring substance use or addiction, providing treatment, care and support in their community, and closer to their support networks.

Along with Dandenong, the new services, set to open by the end of the year, will also be in Shepparton, Melton, Mildura, Lilydale, Bendigo-Echucaand Orbost-Bairnsdale.

These services will add to the first six Local Services that opened late last year, supporting communities in Benalla-Wangaratta-Mansfield, Brimbank, Frankston, Greater Geelong-Queenscliffe, Latrobe, and Whittlesea.

There are no eligibility criteria and no need for a GP referral to access the new services which act as a ‘front door’ to the mental health and wellbeing system offering welcoming and inclusive spaces, staffed by qualified mental health professionals, including peer support workers to cater for the diverse needs of all communities.

The free Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals deliver on another key recommendation of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System between 50 to 60 new services to be up and running across the state by 2026, with planning underway for future Local Services in Melbourne, Werribee-Truganina, Ballarat, Craigieburn-Sunbury, Ringwood, Horsham-Ararat and Warrnambool-Hamilton-Portland.

The Labor Government is getting on with building a new, compassionate and responsive mental health and wellbeing system that supports Victorians who need it, as soon as they need it, delivered by trusted and experienced providers.

The Victorian Budget 2022/23 included more than $1.3 billion to continue the work to reform the mental health and wellbeing system, building on the previous year’s record investment of $3.8 billion.

Health providers that are interested in delivering these services can find more information on