Inclusivity starts with our youth

Rose (school councillor) 324058_06

By Tanya Faulkner

‘Everybody belongs’ has been the message spread across the Greater Dandenong region for a community coming together in celebration of diversity.

Mt Hira College was one among many in the area to change up their regular schooling programs, and share with their students what it means to be accepting of a culturally diverse community – something quite prevalent in Dandenong and wider Victoria.

Students were encouraged to unite in an array of activities, starting with the delivery of both the Australian and Turkish national anthems to open their celebrations, followed by a selection of cultural dances and performances, African drums, and a market of stalls with treats and activities from different cultures around the world.

Principal Toni Pikos-Sallie said this event is a special day for the school, with parents also invited to come down and experience the vibe and connection between the students.

“The theme of the day was ‘everyone belongs’, and we encouraged the students to partake in a range of educational activities to strengthen their appreciation for cultural diversity amongst themselves,” she said.

The celebrations coincided with International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – recognised in Australia as Harmony Day, as celebrated nationally on the 21st March annually.