100 years ago
8 June 1922
The “Journal”
When we increased the size of the “Journal“ to a six-page paper some weeks ago, the intention was to install up-to-date machinery in order to cope with the necessarily increased work. This decision has now been put into effect and the proprietors have (this week) added to their plan a modern and costly Linotype machine. It is our aim to cater for all readers by publishing full and accurate reports of the shire council meetings, public meetings, sports gatherings, whilst at the same time ensuring a satisfactory district news service and giving prominence to all local matters.
50 years ago
6 June 1972
Informality Keynote
Informality was the keynote of an enjoyable buffet luncheon party the Mayoress of Dandenong Mrs Mavis Pedder held in the Mayoral Chambers on Wednesday. Mrs Pedder entertained wives of Parliamentarians, Mayors and Shire presidents of sister cities and municipalities. She was particularly delighted to greet among the 40 guests Mrs Alan Lind, wife of Mr Lind MLA. Chrysanthemums, arranged by City Parks and Gardens staff, decorated the reception room and fittingly, were in shades of dusty pink, gold and russet to harmonise with the frocking of the Mayoress and Mrs Peg Elliott, wife of the Town Clerk. The unusual material in the Mayoress’s dress and jacket was chosen by the mayor. It was of crimplene in a russet red, mauve and orange patterning and the Mayoress made it herself.
20years ago
3 June 2002
Union ‘is lobbying’
Greater Dandenong councillor John Kelly has accused a union of pressurising the council to back its proposal of the city’s home and community care services contract. Cr Kelly said councillors had been placed under “incredible” pressure by the Australian Services Union (ASU) to vote for its in-house proposal as opposed to the existing private contractor Glad Pty Ltd which trades as Silver Circle. After a split decision to extend Silver Circle’s contract at last Monday night’s council meeting, mayor Paul Donovan used his casting vote to award the company a further two-year contract. Cr Roz Blades who supported the union proposal, has challenged the decision with a notice to rescind the motion which will be held at the next council meeting.
5 years ago
5 June 2017
Southeast A-League team a step closer to reality
The community of Melbourne’s booming southeast echoed their desire for a A League Club at a special event held in Dandenong last Thursday night. Representatives from more than 50 local football clubs unanimously backed the launch of Team 11, the official name given to the community’s bid to bring the 11th A -League Club to the region. It follows the signing of an historic memorandum of understanding last month between the Greater Dandenong City Council, City of Casey and Cardinia Shire Council, which paves the way for a new A- League, W- League and National Youth League Club to be established in the region.
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society