by Yousef Reihani from Baha'i Community of Greater Dandenong
If there is anything that life was able to teach me, it is that we as humans are the only species that can adapt to sudden changes in environments, just like what is happening in the world around us.
Just like what we have experienced in the past couple of year.
From nationwide fires, the pandemic and now financial inflation.
This is something I have learned and worked on in the past few months to build capacities and enhance human’s healthy receptivity to sudden changes.
By bringing people together, making connections and strengthening bonds of friendships within neighbourhoods, and across diverse communities.
And we can see it, we are sensing and experiencing the changes around us all together.
Just like a living organism, we feel, we heal and we share our pains, sadness, happiness and joys.
Now that the whole world is synchronized, sharing a common frequency, we must address each other, with love and kindness.
But also, we must build each other’s capacity, increase it and strengthen it.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Humanity is heading towards a grim and unknown future.
We cannot control it, but we can be prepared, because once the wave slams into us, we must remain strong.
We must keep our heads up, shoulders high and chest forward.
We must share our experiences with one another, we need to pass our knowledge across nations and generations.
Because those with great power and knowledge owe to those who don’t.
We must accept our own realities, we must adopt them, and we will overcome them together.
Because then, and only then, true greatness will manifest itself.
And this is our mission in the world, to unite mankind and achieve greatness.
The coming years will bring more challenges, and as a society, we must learn from them.
Because if we don’t, we will have to repeat it.
And this is why history is loaded with events that repeated itself, over and over, until someone learned how to correct themselves.
There is a beauty to this. That life is the greatest educator a man can wish for.