Lessons from hard times

by Ursula Aruma of Sathya Sai Organisation

As mentioned in one of the earlier Messages of Hope, everyone is dealing with emotional adjustments in our daily lives.

As we reminisce about the past two years of the ongoing impacts of Covid 19, this pandemic has caused significant disruptions, particularly when one is required to isolate as a close contact is positive.

We have had to regulate our lives in a manner but we must not forget the wonderful lessons learned.

Every struggle has shaped us to the person we are today.

Being thankful for the hard times can only make one stronger.

If you focus on the hurt, you will continue to suffer.

If you focus on the lesson you will continue to grow.

Everything happens for a reason.

Humans have many things in similar, as well as many differences and it is important to look at the similarities when we communicate with others and appreciate differences and thus increase our love without any superiority or inferiorities.

There are a number of values that are common to all faiths.

These are Truth, Peace, Love, Righteousness and Non Violence.

Our progress toward the goal of life very much depends on steadiness in personal spirituality.

Youth should continue to encourage the younger generation to become prosperous citizens of the community by their good example.

The highest form of service one can do is being a good example.

When we serve society and help the poor and needy we alleviate their suffering and thus manifest the human quality of compassion.

When we do social service, it quickens our spiritual progress.

Practice of your personal spirituality will render strength to overcome the travails of modern life, and the sufferings and sorrows brought on by modern illnesses that plague us.

Cultural and religious diversity are strengths in our society.

When we seek to gain understanding of cultural practices and beliefs, we build social cohesion in our neighbourhood.

This brings inner strength to all who live among us – as a community.

We pray for thriving hopes for the future for the whole world.

Life is a Song, Sing it!

Life is a Game, Play it!

Life is a Challenge, Meet it!

Life is a Dream, Realise it!

Life is a Sacrifice, Offer it!

Life is Love, enjoy it! (Sathya Sai Baba)