100 years ago
21 September 1922
Dandenong Butter Factory and Ice Works
A town of the size and importance of Dandenong would certainly be lacking in industrial enterprise if it did not number amongst its industries a butter factory and ice works. Fortunately, our town can boast of such an establishment and a thoroughly up-to-date and progressive one it is. A visit to Mr E T S Elmore’s butter factory and ice works, Stud Road, offered convincing proof of this. Mr Elmore commenced business in a small way in 1908 in a premises in Walker Street. Those who saw the work carried on in the old premises 14 years ago would have their eyes opened wide with a visit to the commodious factory in Stud Rd. The improvements recently carried out at this factory comprise a cool storage room, with a holding capacity of 100 tons of ice. The up-to-date and most essential pasteurising plant just installed is another progressive move on the part of the proprietor.
50 years ago
26 September 1972
$4m shop project soon
Work on a $4m shopping centre in Springvale will start in five weeks. The development, to be called Parkmore Shopping Centre, will be built on 27½ acres at the corner of Cheltenham Rd and Kingsclere Ave Springvale. The site, previously used for grazing is bordered on three sides by residential areas, and on the south by one of the corridors proposed for intensive residential development. The project will have a total retail area of 100,000 sq ft, and will include a supermarket, a junior department store, and 40 smaller service and food shops. Areas have been allowed for a post office and banks. There will also be a Medical Centre and some after-hours services such as a milk bar and newsagency. The project will have parking space for 800 vehicles.
20 years ago
30 September 2002
A Greater Dandenong councillor faces expulsion from the chamber after chaotic scenes at last Monday night’s council meeting. There is increasing support among councillors to enact a rarely used section of the Local Government Act to expel Cr Geraldine Gonsalvez. But a defiant Cr Gonsalvez defended her actions, saying there were elements on the council out to destroy her. “I feel there is a definite attempt by groups and individuals on the council who are out to politically destroy and discredit me.” Three councillors walked out of the chamber at times last Monday leaving the bare minimum required for a quorum. Cr Kelly described the meeting as atrocious and called for action from the Local Government Minister and for the return of the Commissioners.
5 years ago
25 September 2017
Land in the bank
There are renewed calls to make the South East green wedge zone permanently immune from over-development. Activists and some Greater Dandenong councillors want to see the area have a permanent boundary, preserving its ecological landscape for years to come. Defenders of the South East Green Wedge secretary Barry Ross wants the boundary set in stone to stop speculation on the Zone’s future.
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society