Food drive
Hallam Friends of Red Cross and Hallam Community Learning Centre are working together on a food drive for refugees in our local community. Anyone can make non-perishable food donations, which will be delivered to needy locals.
– Donations can be dropped off Mondays-Fridays 10am-3pm at Hallam Community Learning Centre, 56 Kays Road Hallam. Details: 97031688 or 0455566570
Plant sale
The Dandenong U3A Gardening group is selling a large variety of cheap plants at St Anthony’s Community Fair.
– Saturday 26 November, 10am-4pm at St Anthony’s, Buckley Street, Noble Park.
Art Exhibition & Book Launch
Join us for our annual Art Exhibition in collaboration with Cornerstone Contact Centre as we exhibit original artwork from both communities, and launch The Open Door’s first Recipe Book: ‘Wisdom Bites’. The day will be filled with lots of food and drinks, fun games (jelly bean count, lucky bottles), Christmas raffle tickets to purchase and another specialty raffle on the day. Bring your friends and family along to this wonderful festivity. All welcome.
– Thursday 24 November 11am-2pm at 110 Ann St, Dandenong. Parking available at 112 Ann St. Details: Jo/Tayla, 9791 8664 or theopendoor@ssjg.org.au
Lunch dance
Knox Italian Senior Citizens Club is holding a three-course lunch dance with a live, one-piece band.
– Thursday, 24 November 12.30pm at 99 Karoo Road, Rowville; $30pp. Bookings: Zina 0415 276 132, Lina 0405 571 832 and Angela 0422 917 228.
Daughters of Durga
Join us for a chapter reading and discussion about the book Daughters of Durga: Dowries, Gender Violence and Family in Australia led by author Professor Manjula Datta O’Connor. This is a partnership event between Indian Care, City of Casey and Wellsprings for Women.
– Sunday, 27 November, 2pm–4pm at 79 Langhorne Street Dandenong. Registrations: eventbrite.com.au/e/daughters-of-durga-reading-and-discussion-tickets-452376970697
Neighbourhood Watch safety forum
Greater Dandenong Neighbourhood Watch’s next safety information forum and Q&A features two guest speakers – Senior Sergeant Alasdair Gall from Victoria Police’s Domestic Violence Command and Richard Asquith from City of Greater Dandenong’s Animal Management Team. All residents welcome for this chance to catch up with local police and councillors.
– Wednesday 30 November, 7.30pm at Paddy O’Donoghue Centre, 18-34 Buckley Street, Noble Park. Ample parking rear of centre off Frank Street.
Christmas Keysie Festival
The next Keysie Festival – Christmas Edition features live music, food trucks, homemade goods, flowers and plants, upcycle and pre-loved goods. Applications are open for stallholders.
– Sunday 18 December, 2022 at Springers Leisure Centre, Keysborough. Details: keysiemarket.com.au
Sunday Jazz
Enjoy a relaxing Sunday afternoon filled with great food, coffee and the smooth sounds of the Jennifer Salisbury Jazz Duo performing on the Café Vita deck at Springvale Botanical Cemetery.
– 12pm-3pm on 27 November, 29 January, 26 February, 26 March at Springvale Botanical Cemetery, 600 Princes Highway, Springvale. Details: 8558 8238 or info@cafevita.org.au
Men’s Shed
Keysborough Men’s Shed is a group based on old-fashioned mateship. It provides a place where men can feel included and safe, and is a tonic for their health and wellbeing. Activities include woodwork projects, cooking for lunches, welding, maintenance around the place and assistance to the community.
It’s in the reserve outside the rear of Resurrection Primary School, 402 Corrigan Road, Keysborough (enter driveway opposite 16 Loxwood Avenue).
Fridays 9am to 2pm. Details: Michael Howlett, 0408 545 196.
Fun for retirees
Waverley Gardens Combined Probus Club is seeking new members from Dandenong North, Noble Park and Springvale North. In addition to other activities, members meet for coffee and listen to a guest speaker.
From 9.45am to noon on the last Tuesday of the month at Southern Community Centre, 27 Rupert Dr, Mulgrave. Details: Don, 9560 6046.
Conversation circle
Join the Conversation Circle at Dandenong Library and make new friends whilst practising English in a friendly, relaxed and safe environment. This program is suitable for adults. Low to intermediate levels of English language skills are required.
When: Every Thursday during school terms 6-7.30pm.
Jobs Victoria Advocate
Drop-in employment information.
Monday from 10am–4pm at Springvale Library; Wednesday from 10am to 4pm at Dandenong Library; every Thursday fortnight at CoCO’S, 2-3/48 McCrae Street Dandenong; Tuesday and Friday from 10am to 4pm at Springvale Learning & Activities Centre.
Contact Ali Abd Ali. Phone: 0452 647 522. Email: pathways@springvalelac.org.au