100 years ago
21 December 1922
Before another issue of the “Journal” is published the year 1922 will have been numbered amongst those that were, and we will have welcomed the New Year with the usual manifestations of good will and anticipations of the bright future in prospect. In the domain of the material interest of the State, the year just closed has witnessed a vast improvement, and Victoria is now in the very forefront of the Federal group in industrial prosperity. The legitimate avenues of trade and industry are expanding, and capitalists from abroad are now turning their eyes towards Victoria as a profitable field for the investment of their money. The “Journal” has happily shared in the advancement of Dandenong and district and during the past year we have made improvements which have tended to make it worthy of the large area in which it circulates.
50 years ago
12 December 1972
A project to aid children
Springvale Youth Action Committee, formed early this year, is organising its first major project – a play centre for primary school children in the school holidays. The committee will supply leaders for the centre. Other leaders will come from local Rangers, Scouts and Guides groups. Activities will include swimming, archery, films, games and outings. Committee president Miss Gail Kelly said the centre would cater for a maximum of 100 Children. Miss Kelly has just finished her matriculation exams at Noble Park High School. She hopes to attend university next year.
20years ago
23 December 2002
Relax, Reflect and Enjoy
Yes the time of the year is approaching when we relax and reflect on the year gone by. Whether you choose the beach, the garden, hotel or a distant holiday destination to kick back and ponder, the message is the same – the past year has been one of significant change. Sadly it hasn’t all been for good. It has been a year when we have learnt we are not immune to the cancer of terrorists that’s pervading world society. But there is hope. Our society is strong enough to embrace all cultures and we must resolve to make it stronger. We need to take a breather and gather strength for the struggle ahead. The staff of the Journal wish all our readers and advertisers a happy and safe 2003.
5 years ago
18 December 2017
Dandenong shoppers can park free of charge this Christmas to give CBD businesses a boost. But some Greater Dandenong councillors say the $247,000 move could do more harm than good. At the Monday 11 December council meeting, councillor Jim Memeti successfully suggested the Christmas bonus should run from Monday 18 December to Friday 19 January. Cr Maria Sampey followed up with a motion that Dandenong Market parking also be included. But Cr Matthew Kirwan said parking spots in the area were heavily used and the meters helped to ensure turnover. “The biggest issue is the lack of car parking,” he said. “Parking revenue can help to fund more spaces.”
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society