100 years ago
5 April 1923
Princes Hwy Estate
The attention of readers is drawn to the subdivision sale of the Prince’s Highway Estate, which is to be held at 3 o’clock on the ground, on Saturday next. The Estate is situated on the Prince’s Highway – better known, perhaps as Melbourne Road – close to the High School, and consists of about 12 acres, subdivided into 53 roomy allotments. The land has a gentle slope from Melbourne road right through to Birdwood Avenue, which affords perfect drainage, and makes every block first class building land. On lot 53 which has the frontage of 165 feet to Melbourne road, and contains over 1¼ acres of land, is a well-built eight-roomed W.B. villa, with every convenience provided; a most desirable home for a business man or anyone retiring. The water main passes the property, and electric light is available. Terms are within the reach of all. £5 deposit and 20/- monthly for five years with the villa lot No.53 one-third cash, balance in five years.
50 years ago
3 April 1973
Pupils write on Road Tragedy
A group of 31 students from Doveton High School have written to the Journal on the road death toll. The letter says “We students of Form 3A think, after having several class discussions on this topic that something should be done to help reduce the deaths on the road. After we all voted on several motions, we came to the conclusion that seat belts should be compulsory in all cars. There should be no exception even if a car is a 1964 model or older, as seat belts can be put into these older cars. For younger children of seven years and under it should be made compulsory to wear a Safety Harness. Drivers exceeding .05 should not be driving on the roads. Hasher penalties should be made for such drinking drivers.”
20 years ago
7 April 2003
Face mask sales leap as SARS alarm increases
Heavy buying by people wanting to protect themselves from the deadly severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) has led to a strong increase in facial mask sales, national health equipment manufacturer Kimberly-Clark said. SARS has killed more than 70 people worldwide out of almost 2000 cases. A handful of cases are being investigated in Australia.
5 years ago
2 April 2018
60 years a matter of trust
Hygino and Fatima Soares say more give, less take is the secret to their 60 year marriage. The Noble Park husband and wife celebrated the milstone with their Springvale Senior Citizen Club friends on Tuesday 20 March. They wed in India on 5 January 1958 in front of more than 500 guests. “It was mainly an arranged marriage”, Fatima said. Fatima said her husband was a good man, and Hygino said his wife was warm and friendly. “That’s how you succeed – give more, take less,” Hygino said. “More importantly, trust. You have to trust the other person, otherwise its better not to get married. For us it’s an absolute commitment.”
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society