100 years ago
7 June 1923
News in Brief
Heavy falls of rain reported from the Riverina and Central Australia. The rainfall for May exceeded the average fall for the month in every rainfall district in Victoria.
Modern methods in schools include the use of the cinema and gramophone, both of which are recommended by inspectors.
Dame Nellie Melba, who was a prima donna at Convent Garden theatre London 35byears ago, scored a great triumph in opera at the same theatre on June 2nd, the King leading the applause.
50 years ago
5 June 1973
Centenary holiday is rejected by council
Dandenong City Council has rejected a move to give its employees – about 175 of them – an extra day’s leave as a centenary year gesture. The move was made in council on Monday night by Councillor Alan Pedder who said it would be “a fitting gesture” for the amount of work all employees had put into making the centenary year the success it had been. Opposing the mover, Councillor Peter Wagstaff said that notwithstanding the excellent work done by employees, it would cost the city too much while Councillor Maurie Jarvis said: “Council is very generous at the end of the year towards its employees”. Councillor Chris Ratcliffe was the only councillor to support the motion, saying “this is a gesture which is well worthwhile and would have its reward by the greater efforts by the staff on other occasions.
20 years ago
2 June 2003
Council on ‘outer’
The State Government formed the Dandenong Development Board because it had no confidence in the city council, Liberal MP for Eumemmerring Gordon Rich-Phillips told State Parliament last week. Mr Rich-Phillips said the board was formed to “override” Greater Dandenong Council. “This Dandenong Development Board Bill before the House is about overriding democratically-elected local government and putting in its place the Dandenong Development board to keep on development … because the Government has no confidence in the council”. However, Labor’s Adam Somyurek, who also represents Eumemmering Province, said the development board would revitalise Dandenong
5 years ago
4 June 2018
‘Failures’ walking it out
A mother and her daughter have both failed and couldn’t be more thankful. Both Dandenong women have tried to take their own lives and joined the 24-hour treadmill challenge at Anytime Fitness in Dandenong to support Suicide Prevention Australia. The mother walked for the entire event, from 3pm on Friday 25th May to 3pm on Saturday 26th May, “I’m in an incredible amount of pain at the moment, but that pain is so small compared to the pain you would feel if you lost a loved one,” she told the Journal on Monday 28th May. “I made a decision to walk the 24 hours on a treadmill to represent what anyone would do to save a loved one?”
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society