Looking Back

100 years ago

14 June 1923

Health Act Prosecutions

George Clark, inspector Shire of Dandenong V Claude Fattick Defendant at Dandenong on 10th May, being the proprietor of a hairdressing shop which he did not keep clean all hairdressing appliances in use in such shop. Mr MacPherson appeared for the informant. Inspector Clark said that on the date mentioned, in company with an inspector from the Public Health Department, he had inspected the premises occupied by the defendant, and found them in an unsatisfactory state. Defendant informed them that he considered the regulations a lot of “bosh” and not worth putting them up in the place. He did not know when the comb produced had been disinfected, but it was not clean when he found it. He had cautioned the defendant previously about the premises being dirty. The Chairman said, as it was the first case of the kind in Dandenong, the defendant would be dealt with leniently by the Bench imposing a fine of £2 and £2/2/- costs.

50 years ago

7 June 1973

Market project put off

Dandenong Council on Monday night postponed – at least for the time being – a proposal to operate the produce market two days a week. The decision followed rejection of one motion and three amendments, one of which included a suggestion that the market be open on a Tuesday for general produce and a Sunday as a “flea market”. Council was discussing a lengthy report for the Town Clerk, Mr Cal Elliott which recommended, among other things, that the market operate on both Tuesday and Friday. After one of its longest meetings for some time, Council finally decided unanimously to approve Mr Elliott’s recommendations – with the exception of opening on a Friday.

20 years ago

2 June 2003

Tolls battle gets sticky

Residents needed to send a clear message on the Mitcham – Frankston Freeway, Eumemmerring Province MP Gordon Rich-Phillips said last week. “People need to make it very clear to these new Labor members that it is unacceptable that Premier Steve Bracks says one thing during the election campaign, and then says another thing after the election.” Mr Rich-Phillips has thrown his support behind the Liberal Government’s Scoresby – No Tolls sticker campaign.

5 years ago

11 June 2018

Cash to help fight the harm of pokies

Greater Dandenong Council will tip $75,000 into tackling problem gambling. At their Monday 28 May meeting, councillors agreed to the three-year funding plan for the Alliance from Gambling Reform. The municipality has the highest rate of gambling losses in Victoria, dropping $118 million on pokies in 2016-17. Only Cr Tim Dark opposed the move. He said pokies venues in Greater Dandenong provided critical support for local sporting and social groups “which is money that Council then does not have to put in to support these clubs”. Cr Sean O’Reilly said not only should the council support the alliance, “we should be the number one ticket holder given the wreckage to family budgets that problem gambling enacts on families all around Greater Dandenong”.

Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society