AMES talking the talk

AMES conversation volunteer Hector de Santos.

A new conversation group has been launched in Noble Park to support newly arrived migrants and refugees to learn English.

The conversation sessions are being held every Friday between 10.30am and 12pm at AMES Australia’s Noble Park site, at 60 Douglas Street.

They are being facilitated by AMES Australia volunteers.

AMES Volunteer Coordinator Koonie Karinsen said the group began just a few weeks ago and currently the attendance ranges between 10 and 18 people.

“The participants are newly arrived migrants and refugees. They have fun practicing English, making friends, and enjoying provided food,” Koonie said.

“The conversation groups are an inclusive and practical way of supporting newly arrived people to acquire language skills.

“The focus of the group is to equip people with the language they need to navigate a new and unfamiliar community and society.”

Conversation volunteer Hector de Santos said it was rewarding to be able to help newly arrived people master the English language.

“As a migrant myself, I know what it’s like to start a new life in a new country, So, I’m happy to be able to help and I also like meeting new people,” Hector said.

After fleeing Burma’s draconian military government and finding refuge in Australia, Hector is paying back his new homeland through volunteering.

“Australia welcomed me when I was forced to leave my home and I feel that I want to contribute something to this wonderful country.

“But I get back more than I put in to my volunteering. I’ve made lots of friends and had some wonderful experiences.

“I enjoy volunteering and I enjoy trying to help people with their problems. I teach English now and I go to meet with Burmese refugees, to tell them about the free English lessons they can get.

“I also just try teach them some basics about life in Australia – take them to shops or whatever. It’s better to work, to contribute.”

Details: Koonie Karinsen,