Plea for peace

by Helen Heath OAM, executive director of Greater Dandenong Interfaith Network

In soul destroying times of grief, anguish, heartbreak and painful alienation, darkness overtakes the light leaving us detached from ourselves and shattered beyond belief.

We feel overpowered by a sickening helplessness and our bodies ache, wracked with tiredness.

Our hearts are heavy as lead and broken.

Hope seems beyond our reach, there is only bad news (or no news) as we are bound to our earthly limits and each day emerges as more and more grim.

Where is the peace for us all as human siblings of a global family?

While it will take our every effort, trying to focus only on the good things being achieved, (although swamped by wicked news, good things are there), seizing a minute to breathe, meditate, send good wishes or offer a prayer, caring and loving those right next to you, and trying to look for moments of joy in the ordinary every day, can offer a chance to be a presence for those around you who are also exhausted.

A quiet moment’s pause, perhaps over a cuppa with a friend, can provide, even briefly, a space to experience compassion for others – indeed for us – and so lift our spirits.

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.

Let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be.

With Love as our guidance, trusted friends are we.

Let us walk with each other, in perfect harmony.

Let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now.

With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow.

To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally.

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.

In times like this we must stand together, resolute in the understanding that all humanity is our family and what hurts one, hurts us all.

As Mahatma Gandhi said: “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”

Let us genuinely identify with and care for one another and seek peace together.

Let us hope in, seek out and work towards peace.

Enquiries about the Greater Dandenong Interfaith Network: or 8774 7662.