Hope for the future

by Roz Blades AM of Jewish faith

When I think of “Messages of Hope” for this article, I think of the meaning of the word HOPE.

I sent an email yesterday, “I hope you are well”.

Hope is a good word and a positive one too.

It is to desire with the expectation of obtainment or fulfillment.

It is to trust. E.g., “Hope your family is well”.

On 17 October this year, we had our Annual Childrens Festival at Springvale Town Hall.

There have been many festivals at this great hall and none more at this time than the annual children’s festival.

We thank all of the schools, the teachers and families involved for coming together all year and for some of their beautiful performances and presentations.

Springvale Town Hall was packed with children, coming from all nationalities, religions, and faiths to celebrate and learn.

This year the Jewish Faith Statement was read out by students from Emerson School, and I was very proud to stand on the stage with the other faith leaders of the Interfaith Network of the City of Greater Dandenong in unison and respect.

Each student involved stands with faith leaders from Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu Islamic, Jewish, and Sikh Faiths together with the Brahma Kumaris and Sri Sathya Sai spiritual organisations and makes a presentation about each faith or spiritual tradition.

Dave Dryden opened with his didgeridoo and had no shortage of helpers as children all leapt on the stage with him to celebrate.

This is followed by musical performances by the schools involved.

And what talent we have in this most diverse city.

Children from all nations performing and working together.

Those of us who were privileged to attend could not help being moved by these wonderful hopeful faces.

This is our HOPE for the future.

For details on the Greater Dandenong Interfaith Network, contact executive@interfaithnetwork.org.au or 8774 7662.