100 years ago
5 June 1924
Dandenong State School
Since the head teacher instituted a Penny Savings Bank at the Dandenong State School eight weeks ago, the sum of 42 pounds has been paid in. The number of depositors is now 186, but does not include 82 pupils who have ordinary accounts at the Savings Bank. Owing to the increased attendance, another lady assistant has been appointed. Miss L. Head, of Longwarry, being the successful applicant.
50 years ago
4 June 1974
Nine to a room!
Housing Commission is lashed.
A Dandenong couple and nine children have to sleep in one room because of the shortage of Housing Commission homes in the area. Describing the housing situation in the Dandenong electorate as “atrocious”, Mr. Alan Lind, MLA for Dandenong, has hit out at the shortage of commission homes. There are currently 750 applicants in the Dandenong electorate on the list for Housing Commission homes. “It is disgraceful that the Housing Commission will this year build 25 per cent fewer houses than it constructed last year. The construction rate has decreased year by year, although there is a crying need for housing. With Housing Commission waiting lists of four years to buy a home and 3 ½ years to obtain tenancy, they are just given no hope of early relief.”
20 years ago
7 June 2004
Time to ‘debate new priorities’: Pandazopoulos
The Department of Employment, Education and Training blames “declining enrolments” for Dandenong schools missing out on capital works funding. Dandenong MP John Pandazopolous said he was “very sympathetic” to the needs of the 19 Dandenong schools and it was time to debate new priorities. “Under the Kennett government not much was done. The problem is our region is very fast growing and we have to catch up with new schools.” Education Department spokesman Paul Barber said local enrolments were falling and capital funding was a “rigorous needs-based assessment program”. Despite this, Mr Barber said that over the past three years, Dandenong schools’ staffing levels had grown by more than 50. As well, $4.9 million had been spent on middle years programs and $1.2 million had gone to providing computers.
5 years ago
3 June 2019
Council joins pokies fight
Greater Dandenong Council will fight against a central Dandenong hotel’s plan for 25 extra poker machines. Castello Group has applied to transfer 25 of its 30 gambling machines from the Jim Dandy Hotel to Player’s Hotel in Scott Street. The gambling lounge at Players Hotel – previously known as the Nu Hotel – will double from 25 to 50 machines. The move would result in the closure of the Jim Dandy as a pokies venue. “Given the location of the Jim Dandy Hotel and the problems it has encountered in the past, the Castello Group shares the Council’s view that it would be of great benefit to the Dandenong Community if the venue was closed.” Cr Mathew Kirwan noted Costello’s own submission showed that gambling losses would rise by $4.5 million at Players. The venue would be a temptation for people attending nearby welfare agencies and Centrelink, he said. “It’s a terrible place for a gambling venue and it’s a terrible place to make an even bigger one.”
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society