Conquering divisions

by Rowena Eghanian, behalf of the City of Greater Dandenong Baha’i Community

As current divisions, escalating tensions and desperate conditions of the world make daily headlines, it is difficult for any conscientious soul to not be affected or discouraged by the doom-scrolling and despair flickering on our brightly lit screens and devices, and to question, “However can I help the world heal from the social fractures that divide it?”

Bahá’u’lláh states that “the purpose for which mortal men have, from utter nothingness, stepped into the realm of being, is that they may work for the betterment of the world and live together in concord and harmony.”

He has revealed teachings that make this possible.

While observing the progressive deterioration in human affairs, I have come to understand, through meditating on Spiritual Teachings and drawing upon Faith gleaned, that we each have a responsibility to engage as a protagonist and contribute to the betterment of the world.

Through these humble and noble contributions, another parallel process occurs: a much quieter process of integration built up by true practitioners of peace who extend out their hands in friendship to all whom they meet, are committed to the prosperity of all, who recognise that the welfare of individuals rests in the welfare of society at large, and with sustained effort and heartfelt concern, strive to make a difference in whatever meaningful way they can, to contribute and offer hope to those they encounter through the causes they contribute to.

While saddened by sufferings, enkindled souls who understand the interconnectedness and Oneness of Our Humanity are not paralysed with hopelessness.

Indeed their sincere efforts and daily strivings serve to help to create little havens, be they in a home, a street, a neighbourhood or more broadly in a collective Cause, Enterprise or Endeavour.

Through the fostering of friendships, collaborating to address social problems, undertaking small, sustained, constructive efforts which are focused on transcending differences, harmonizing perspectives, and promoting the use of consultation for making decisions, these little acts of service we undertake are part of the remedy which will help transform our fractured society.

The Oneness of Humanity is the root Principle of Bahá’u’lláh’s Spiritual Teachings.

The prophet founder of the Bahá’i Faith encourages sacrificial experiences of service.

We must tend to the needs of our communities and more broadly the society in which we live.

Even in places of despair and conflict, Hope continues to shine through the shared experiences of service.

Enquiries regarding the Interfaith Network, City of Greater Dandenong or 8774 7662.

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