Garden for all abilities

State MP Lee Tarlamis, Frank Cutuli, Hotham MP Clare O'Neil, Greater Dandenong mayor Lana Formoso, Roz Blades and deputy mayor Richard Lim in the accessible garden. 415467_03 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

An upgraded community garden at Noble Park is open to more green thumbs of all ages and abilities.

The ‘Accessible Garden’ at Noble Park Community Centre is designed to include gardeners in wheelchairs and with walkers.

It includes garden beds on wheels, as well as levelling and widening paths to make it easier to move around the garden.

The project was launched by Hotham MP Clare O’Neil, along with South Eastern Metropolitan MP Lee Tarlamis and Greater Dandenong mayor Roz Blades.

It has been supported from sponsor Garden World Nursery in Dingley, the centre’s horticultural group and a Stronger Communities Program grant from the Federal Government.