Town set to benefit from ball

THE Mayoral Charity Ball may not be in Springvale, but city mayor Youhorn Chea says the town will benefit from it.
The Springvale Benevolent Society is one of four beneficiaries for the Mayoral Charity Ball, which will be held at the Grand International reception centre on 1 September.
Cr Chea, a devout Springvale councillor and prime defender of the Springvale City Hall, sparked an uproar from the Dandenong Residents and Ratepayers Association when he announced the ball would be held at a commercial venue in Dandenong.
But this week, the mayor said Springvale Benevolent Society would join the Dandenong Benevolent Society, Joey’s Van and Alzheimers Australia as beneficiaries for money raised on the night.
“The Springvale and Dandenong benevolent societies have for many years provided vital assistance to local families and individuals in their times of need. It is fitting that we as a council support them where possible,” Cr Chea said.
The Mayoral Charity Ball will be held at the Grand International in Dandenong on 1 September, with tickets available for $70.
Blues act Jump Devils will take centre stage on the night, in addition to multicultural performances, a raffle and auction.
For inquiries and bookings phone 9239 5230.