Park pops up, just like that

By Nicole Williams
GREATER Dandenong’s community-built Pop-Up-Park is nearly finished.
Its two five-a-side soccer surfaces were unveiled on Friday by four of the 24 trainees who worked on the construction and the park will be open to the public within two weeks.
The Pop-Up-Park, opposite Dandenong Railway Station on Foster Street, is part of the Revitalising Central Dandenong project and was constructed by 24 local, and formerly unemployed, trainees from Mission Australia.
South Eastern Metropolitan Region Liberal MP Inga Peulich, Greater Dandenong mayor Roz Blades and Federal Labor Bruce MP Alan Griffin were shown around the park by acting VicUrban chief executive Sam Sangsta, VicUrban general manager of urban development Dominic Arcaro and Mission Australia state director Paul Bird as well as the four trainees.
Trainee Mamadee Kamara said he was eager to work on the park when the opportunity arose and was proud of the result.
“I built the park for my friends, family and community,” he said.
“We are all proud to have contributed to the park.”
Ms Peulich said the park would be a great addition to Dandenong.
“The Pop-Up-Park is a very important facility,” she said.
“I commend everyone involved in bringing the facility to an underused part of Dandenong.”
Cr Blades said she hoped the park, including the community garden and soccer pitches, would be well used by Dandenong residents.
“And it’s great to know its construction has made a difference to 24 trainees,” she said.
It is a temporary use for the space as VicUrban continues to develop Dandenong and in five years will be incorporated into the design or moved to another location.
Also on Friday, the final Pin Oak tree was planted on Lonsdale Street, signalling the final stages of the transformation.
Mr Arcaro said the final tree was a major milestone and the development would make Lonsdale Street a destination rather than a thoroughfare.
“The community told us that Lonsdale Street had turned into a dagger through the heart of Dandenong,” he said.
“We think the upgrades will knit the two halves of Dandenong together again.”