Dandy TV drawcard

Channel 9 weather presenter Emma Freedman enjoys the company of Bollywood performer Prince Ravi Raja at the Dandenong Market last Friday.Channel 9 weather presenter Emma Freedman enjoys the company of Bollywood performer Prince Ravi Raja at the Dandenong Market last Friday.

DANDENONG is becoming the place to be for Australia’s television stars.
Channel 9’s Today show filmed its weather crosses from the Dandenong Market on Friday.
The morning television show crossed live to Emma Freedman at the market after each news update on the half hour from 6am until 9am.
It was organised as part of the promotion to the lead-up to the Dandenong Market’s official opening on Saturday.
Channel Seven’s Coxy’s Big Break filmed three segments in Dandenong in the last three weeks, taking in the Dandenong Market, Rob’s British Butcher and the Drum Theatre.
At the time of Coxy filming, Greater Dandenong mayor said Channel Seven’s interest showed how unique and culturally diverse Greater Dandenong is.
It seems Channel 9 agreed.