By Nicole Williams
After weeks of community consultation, Dandenong’s prized pig could have a new home in just a month.
Last month, Greater Dandenong Council turned the decision over to the public with two possible locations named – the corner of Foster and Lonsdale streets or Clow and Lonsdale streets.
With 190 responses, residents overwhelmingly favoured the original position at the corner of Foster and Lonsdale streets, with 146 requesting the location.
Greater Dandenong director of engineering services Bruce Rendall said the new location for the pig had attracted a lot of interest.
But now that a general location was decided, council could consider the specifics of its new home which would take four to six weeks.
The oldest animated neon sign in Victoria, the Dandy Pig has a long history for the city and was seen by many as the gateway to Dandenong.
It was located on top of shops on Lonsdale Street, facing traffic which arrived from Gippsland, to promote the Dandy Hams and Bacon Factory until it closed in 1983.
It was moved to the Dandenong Market in 1996 and removed in 2009 to allow for the market’s redevelopment. Now that the redevelopment is complete, it is time for the pig to be reinstated.