Black spot cash

A DANGEROUS intersection in Springvale will receive Black Spot funding from the Federal Government.
Federal Hotham MP Simon Crean said the intersection of St James Avenue and Princess Avenue was busy and sometimes dangerous.
“The intersection will be upgraded with a new roundabout and the relocation of a pole that can currently cause problems for motorists,” Mr Crean said.
Mr Crean and Federal Infrastructure and Transport Minister Anthony Albanese announced $263,000 in funding to fix the crossroads.
“The upgrade will help cut collisions, reduce road trauma and prevent deaths,” Mr Crean said.
“I know how important this project is to the community and this investment will ensure the intersection is safer for all road users.”
The project was recommended by a panel of independent road safety experts and will be delivered during the course of the current financial year.
Mr Crean said anyone could suggest an intersection of section of road they believed should be considered for a safety upgrade under the Black Spot program by filing in a nomination form at